Monday, October 27, 2014

HAMMERHEAD Compact Laser Measuring Tool

Hey Guys,

Check out my latest tool review for Tool Box Buzz. This review was for a laser measuring tool. This is a great product. Hope you enjoy !!!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Choosing the Perfect Neighborhood to buy a house....

Making the biggest purchase of your life can undoubtedly be the most difficult and challenging thing you do. Not only is money a factor, location is just as important, if not more important. Picking a place to settle down is difficult when you have to take all things into consideration.
Do I want to settle down here? Is this just a "starter" home? Is the School system well established? Police and Fire Departments adequately staffed?

When my wife and I decided to purchase our house in Framingham, we had already started a family. My son Andrew was born just a few month prior and my wife was pregnant with my daughter. We wanted to find an area that was suitable for us with two small children, that was on a non busy street.
When we arrived to view the house, one of the first things we noticed was the amount of children playing on the street.. All the parents were outside talking, while all the kids, very close in age, were playing... I remember saying to my wife, this is the type of neighborhood I want to live in...

Fast forward almost 4 years to the date we signed the Purchase and Sales, our neighborhood is still the same with a few new neighbors. My two children, 4 yo son and 3 yo daughter, fit in with the kids on the street so well. On any given weekend afternoon, you will find the street hopping with activities. Whether it is street hockey practice, working on the golf swing, building additions on our houses, playing soccer or us Dad's rocking out to Bon Jovi while doing yard work, we all enjoy helping each other.

My neighborhood is so tight knit, we even have a FaceBook page! We all go on there and ask questions about certain things, we post pictures of all the kids playing and even throw party invitations on there. Just last week one of my neighbors hosted a chili cook off and a Fall Festival. All the neighbors came together and enjoyed the fall atmosphere while all the kids played! Last night, one of the neighbors had a Halloween Party and all were invited.

If you ask me, picking the right neighborhood is more important then picking the right house. Knowing that you will be living there and raising a family, its important to know that your children and family will be safe.

No doubt you all probably experience the same type of scenario, I am going to venture out and say that the Edgell Drive neighborhood is America's best.

Thanks for reading....


Friday, October 24, 2014

Unnecessary Violence these days

As I sit here at work, I watch CNN and cant help but wonder, what the hell is wrong with people these days? The last 3 days alone has been a real horror show...

Wednesday 10-22  
A gunman kill a innocent soldier who was standing guard at the Canadian National War Memorial, only for the same gunman go to the Canadian Parliament to look for more innocent victims. Luckily, with quick instincts, the police were able to stop the suspect without out further loss of live...

Thursday 10-23
A expected terrorist from New York, ran up to four NYPD Police Officers and brutally attacked them with a hatchet. One officer was severely injured when the suspect struck him in the back of the head with the hatchet, Another Officer was cut pretty bad in the arm area. Finally the remaining Police Officers were able to neutralize the suspect.  Unfortunately an innocent bystander was struck by a stray bullet, but she is expected to make a full recovery.

Friday 10-24
A High School Freshman from Marysville Washington opened fire on a table of his peers killing one and leaving three of them clinging to life. After killing and injuring his classmates the boy turned the gun on himself, taking his young life, for no apparent reason. Two weeks prior, he was named High School Homecoming Prince. I popular student, apparently upset over a break-up, according to CNN.

Working in the Public Safety profession, I am worried because these types of incidents are becoming all too familiar. Last night I participated in a large scale, mock active shooter scenario at a rather big mall. There was not one person involved in this drill that was not completely locked in... Everyone has changed their attitude from this won't happen to us, or this would never happen here to lets get prepared for when this type of incident happens.

With upcoming holiday season, violence usually raises. I would like to remind everyone to stay vigilant and report anything suspicious. By reporting something or someone suspicious does not make you a rat or scared. You could potentially save many lives.

To all my friends in Public Safety, please keep your head on a swivel.  Wear your protective equipment!!! There are people out there that want the satisfaction of hurting you, FOR NO REASON.

The most important thing at the end of the day is that we all go home to our loved ones.


Thanks for reading


Thursday, October 23, 2014

Balancing Work and Family

Have you stopped and wondered am I really a good parent? Take a second and think about it... 
Just recently I saw a post on FaceBook that made me stop and think about it. The post was of a little boy who asks his dad how much money he made an hour. The Dad get mad at the kid and yells at the boy saying it was none of his business. Kid starts crying and the dad says if you must know I make 100$ an hour. The boy asks the dad for 50$ , pisses the old man off even more. Father storms away and after some time he realizes that he never asked the kid why he needed the 50$. 
Dad returns to the kid before bed and asks why he need the money. He gives the boy 50 and the boy pulls 50$ from under his pillow he already had. The father gets even more pissed saying why do you need more money when you have 50$ already. The boy says now I have enough... Enough for what the dad asks. The little kid looks at him and says I have enough money 100$ to buy an hour of your time. Can you please come home 1 hour early tomorrow so we can eat dinner together?
The dad was crushed and put his arms around his son and begged for his forgiveness. 
This is a short reminder to all of us that work so hard in life. We should not let time slip through our fingers without having spent some time with those who really matter to us, those close to our hearts. 
Do you remember to share that 100$ worth of your time with someone you love?  I often find myself guilty of this. Im focused on the pay check and not the family. Fortunately for me, I have a wife who reminds me of this. Without her I would not see this. Sometimes I get wrapped up in the dollar and cents when I should be coloring, having a crazy dance off in the living room or doing wii boxing with my son while my wife and daughter play princess dress up. That is what life is about. Kids grow up and before you know it, they will be asking to borrow the car and you will never be able to get that time back. 

So ask yourself the question again. Are you a good parent? If you know the answer great. If your unsure, take a step back and think about how your kids would answer.  

Thanks for listening and enjoy your life, because it's too precisous not too. 

Thanks for reading. Leave your thoughts !!


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Stanley FatMax Mobile 4-in-1 Work Station Tool Review

Hey there everyone. I just recently reviewed a new product from Stanley Tools. They have designed a 4-in-1 work station that not only provides ideal organization, but it also offers extreme mobility for every contractor, plumber, electrician or serious DIYer.

Visit the Tool Box Buzz for the latest tool reviews on your favorite tools !!!

Take a look at the review and let me know your thoughts !!!  

Tuesday, October 21, 2014