Making the biggest purchase of your life can undoubtedly be the most difficult and challenging thing you do. Not only is money a factor, location is just as important, if not more important. Picking a place to settle down is difficult when you have to take all things into consideration.
Do I want to settle down here? Is this just a "starter" home? Is the School system well established? Police and Fire Departments adequately staffed?
When my wife and I decided to purchase our house in Framingham, we had already started a family. My son Andrew was born just a few month prior and my wife was pregnant with my daughter. We wanted to find an area that was suitable for us with two small children, that was on a non busy street.
When we arrived to view the house, one of the first things we noticed was the amount of children playing on the street.. All the parents were outside talking, while all the kids, very close in age, were playing... I remember saying to my wife, this is the type of neighborhood I want to live in...
Fast forward almost 4 years to the date we signed the Purchase and Sales, our neighborhood is still the same with a few new neighbors. My two children, 4 yo son and 3 yo daughter, fit in with the kids on the street so well. On any given weekend afternoon, you will find the street hopping with activities. Whether it is street hockey practice, working on the golf swing, building additions on our houses, playing soccer or us Dad's rocking out to Bon Jovi while doing yard work, we all enjoy helping each other.
My neighborhood is so tight knit, we even have a FaceBook page! We all go on there and ask questions about certain things, we post pictures of all the kids playing and even throw party invitations on there. Just last week one of my neighbors hosted a chili cook off and a Fall Festival. All the neighbors came together and enjoyed the fall atmosphere while all the kids played! Last night, one of the neighbors had a Halloween Party and all were invited.
If you ask me, picking the right neighborhood is more important then picking the right house. Knowing that you will be living there and raising a family, its important to know that your children and family will be safe.
No doubt you all probably experience the same type of scenario, I am going to venture out and say that the Edgell Drive neighborhood is America's best.
Thanks for reading....